Quotes about Love
Love can mean so much to many people and also mean so little that it ends up meaning so much. Once love gets inside you it can feel so secure that it may decide to stay with you forever, but if it decides not to wear out it's welcome and exits you, having love will cause a change in you that will last forever. Go ahead Love, be happy, cause mischief, do whatever it is you want to today, it's your birthday!
-Sophia A. Johnson
“Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous, love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offense, and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes. Love does not come to an end." -1 Corinthians 13:1-13
“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.”
-Neil Gaiman
This show was sublime. I love you so much. You truly are a mega man, you are the whole package. If the fella's don't want you, you are welcome to come back on our team!
Whether it was your voice, your keen sense of artistic flavor with music use, or your internal ability to emote such great wisdom, I found this to be a rewarding podcast.
While I was listening to your podcast I was talking to the first person I dated as an adult. We dated approximately 13 years ago, and every time I wake up on V-day I think about what he did to make our first special. Yes, I said I talked to him today 13 years later, after a weird break up we have remained friends.
As I listened to you, I was moved by something powerful you shared about the person that released you from relationship because of fear of the virus. I have been there, as the receiver and the giver. For me, it's the fear that comes with being with someone that doesn't understand you. Sometimes that fear is onset from a multitude of internal emotions and not based of real life conversation with the other.
You really entered a brand new perspective on the life I have lived for 13 years, and I am glad that I found your broadcast highly cathartic. I sure hope you enjoy the V-Day, cause you just poured syrup on mine. (BTW I have a V-tine I won't see till I get home, but I have talked to him all day)
i have not listened to the whole show as of yet but i am really feeling the first song... i noticed that you did not put a track list tho... Sad Face... can u update that info if you would...
glad to see your making more frequent posts... cant wait to finish listening...
Mad REspect
as i listen to this show i am reminded of this quote from Toni Morrisons Beloved
"Here,in this place, we flesh; Flesh that weeps, laughs; flesh that dances on bare feet in grass. Love it, love it hard. Yonder they do not love your flesh. They despise it. . . . Love your hands! Love them. Raise them up and kiss them, touch others with them, pat them together, stroke them on your face, ‘cause they don’t love that either. You got to love it, You!.. This is flesh that I’m talking about here. Flesh that needs to be loved."
Why, deep down, do we love? What is the source of love, its meaning, its
object? Why do we experience the birth of love one day, and its death another? Why, deep inside us,
does our love for our parents and our children endure? How do we love? Why, deep
down, do we love?
Life teaches us to learn, to suffer injury, to get to our feet again, to mature. Life is
revelation; and when our hearts and our intelligence turn toward His revelation, we can
grasp something of the meaning, the mystery, and the meaning of this mystery. There are
many ways to love: The Most Caring One offers us love through the very essence of our
nature, and invites us to continue our search for the love of our fellow creatures, for
Creation, for His love.
There are several ways to love: we can love ourselves out of egocentrism or egotism; out
of self-obsession to the point of self-importance and arrogance. How natural a love...and
how dangerous. To see the world through ourselves alone: to love ourselves as if we
alone existed, and, at the core of this mysterious paradox, to love ourselves to the point of
To love our mothers, our fathers, our husbands, our wives, our daughters, our sons and,
our senses dulled by habit, learn nothing from our love for them except when accident or
absence strike. To become indifferent in the face of familiar presences. Isn't it a curious
paradox? To be blinded by too much seeing. To lose meaning because we are
overwhelmed, drowned, carried away by the endless repetition of daily life.
To observe our friends, our fellow human beings, our world, and to ask of our heart: why
you? Why should you be loved? For your appearance? For your qualities? For your
tastes? To love as we feel, because we so "genuinely" feel. The fire at first, the ashes
when all is done... destroyed by betrayal, by flaws, by wounds inflicted. Love that blinds;
separation in the glare of hindsight. Another paradox: the glowing coals that are the
warmth of our loves, and the infinite burn of our suffering.
To learn to love. Such is the message of all spiritual disciplines. We may love to love
ourselves, our neighbours, the universe; we may love to move beyond the self, our own
and that of our neighbours; our own and that of the universe. In nearness to the Divine we
learn that we must seek, initiate ourselves, tear asunder, give new form, break off and
renew. To seek out the meaning of our loves; to initiate ourselves into the secrets of hope
and not stop when proof of our qualities lies before us; to break down ego and
appearance; to give form to the gazing eyes and all they ask for; to make new the light in
the heart and in the eyes and, as when we fast, to learn to break the fast the better to begin
again. To be two, with ourselves, with God, with you... a gift, a time of testing, a period
of hardship, of hoping.
Near to you or without you. Why do we love? Why do we break apart? Why, indeed? On
our journey, we must learn that His love like ours, that our encounters like our
separations, are acts of initiation: we can love a parent, a being, his beauty, his qualities;
we can love what is and, in the end, know only hurt and suffering. Over and above what
exists, we can learn to love the horizon that unites us. To move beyond ourselves for His
sake, to seek together the pathway that leads to His light... to love the meaning, the road
travelled as much as we love the destination, and our fate. It is constant effort, this jihad
of love. To lift up our eyes before us and learn to love, and with that love, find freedom.
To move beyond ourselves, to free ourselves from the loves that bind and imprison us:
those "ended" loves, sometimes idolatrous, sometimes misleading, and so near to our
animal nature. An infinite task, one never to be completed; a task filled with sorrow, with
hurt and tears. Here, on this earth, lies one truth: he who truly loves must learn to weep.
Life. Love, and life.
Why, deep down, do we love? Some like to bind themselves in chains, others to set
themselves free. A mystery. The Unique One calls out to us, summons us, tells us: "Go
on! Love! Move forward, seek out, and pursue your quest. The love that will come to you
is not at all what you are seeking. It is an illusion, a prison. The love you seek, the love
that you must learn, opens wide to you the door of freedom: alone, by twos, by
thousands, it teaches you to say: "It is Him I love" and, in the depths of your heart, feel
yourself loved. And then, at that moment, we must lift up our eyes before us, nurture the
freedom we have found, and bestow all the love we possess upon those close to us, to the
universe, to humanity. As we move on beyond this life, or as we remain. Love and true
To love, and learn to leave...
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