Friday, January 30, 2009

Who I AM

Simply Jared. His words are so close you can almost reach out and touch him. This is the premier episode of The Urban Cipher, RU ready to get in?


Anonymous said...

Violet was here!;o).

Saint Andres said...

Great Show...
Im really diggin it...
however da audio is a little off...
maybe your levels are too high or your sitting too close to the mic...
just wanted to let you know...
i like the content tho...
Good Luck with the show...
wish you nothing but the Best...

Mad REspect
Saint Andres

TheUrbanCipher said...

Thank you so much for your well wishes. I appreciate your recommendation's, and as with anything I do in my life, nothing is final, I am a constant "work in progress". Glad you enjoyed getting to know me better and I look forward to your future comments.

Saint Andres said...

No Prob Jared...
once again i really njoyed the show...
the deeply personal aspect is what drew mi in...
and ur ability to be honest about both ur past as well as the way you felt inside is the true nature of what makes you Great as a person...
always remember that...
its funny that i say that even...
because one of my life mottos is phrase in Latin from Faust

"Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici"

"I by the power of Truth, while living, have conquered the Universe"

Be Strong
Remain Kind
Continue to LOVE

Mad REspect
Saint Andres